Submit your ideas

Have an idea you'd like me to build into Paced Email? Let me know!

  1. Mobile App

    Well, someone had to suggest this, and I thought I'd be the first one. Allow us to create emails, manage the emails with a mobile app

    Henry H
    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘


  2. Enhancement of UX/UI

    When you have __many aliases, searching becomes very hard. If there were the ability to create folders and organize there would be considerable time savings You could take an example from TabExtend - p.s It's a Chrome extension that manages tabs, notes, and to-do items. It has a current style that would significantly improve Ui and Ux.

    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘#Styling ๐ŸŽจ


  3. Temporary aliases - allow inboxes to auto-delete after a user-defined amount of time.

    Or after a specific number of inbound emails?

    Rikki Pitt


  4. Spy pixel/tracking pixel blocking

    It would be great to block senders from tracking email opens and clicks when viewing your mail. This could be done by filtering out the hidden images from the messages prior to rendering.

    Rikki Pitt
    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘


  5. Email Hosting

    The ability to use PacedEmail to host our domains Then, connecting PE to the autoresponder might be possible to send emails and establish campaigns. There would be: A cost savings The management of multiple email IDs in one place Similar to what Mutant Email does. -

    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘#Misc ๐Ÿคท


  6. Add personalisation of the digest emails (custom logo, hide logo etc)

    Ideas: Turn on/off default Paced Email logo in the digest email Add your own logo to emails, perhaps using the account avatar image?

    Rikki Pitt


  7. Temporarily allow emails to bypass the digest to destination inbox with one button

    Temporarily allow emails to bypass the digest and be delivered to the destination inbox with one button. I know this can be done with rules but it would be amazing if we can do this with a simple click of a button or toggle to turn on or off as needed. Here's a use case example. Let's say I use a paced email alias to sign up for an account somewhere. Now let's say at some point I need to correspond with support for that account. In this case I would simply log into paced email and with one click I can temporarily have incoming emails for that alias be delivered directly to the destination email address, bypassing the digest. Once my email correspondence with support has been resolved I can log back into paced email and turn on the digest again with one click of a button. Cool right?! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘


  8. Add tagging/folders

    Improvements to alias organisation via the use of tagging or other methods.

    Rikki Pitt


  9. Change the Digest Email Subject to be Easier to identify which digest it is

    When we are creating a custom alias and enter the alias name, I personally like to enter that name in a certain way to make it easier to read. For example, if the alias is, I like to enter the name in the Name field as JoesBookEmporium. I know that it automatically gets transposed to all lowercase for the actual email alias, but it would be nice if the particular way we enter it in the name field would be what shows up in the subject of email digests. So for example, instead of seeing this: "Your joesbookemporium monthly paced emails" We would see this: "Your JoesBookEmporium monthly paced emails" To go even a step further in a helpful direction, if you gave us the ability to add spaces (with our understanding that they do get stripped in the actual email alias) the most helpful experience would be if the subject read as this: "Your Joes Book Emporium monthly paced emails" I do understand this may not seem like a really big deal, but in terms of being able to quickly scan through our overwhelming lists of emails in our inboxes to look out for important Paced digests, this little change can make a big difference.

    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘#Styling ๐ŸŽจ


  10. Custom email subject name for individual digests

    When you have multiple digests, they all come in with the same email subject, causing email programs like Gmail to group them together. This is undesirable from a user experience perspective

    Russell C
    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘


  11. Add block/unsubscribe links to digests

    Additional functions in email digests could help shorten some common work flows and operations.

    Rikki Pitt
    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘


  12. Gmail Addon

    Adding Paced Email to the tab on the right in Gmail directly. Inspiration:

    Jack S
    #Integrations ๐Ÿ”—


  13. Email categories

    The ability to categorize the message depending on who it was sent from. Such a categorization would allow even more focus when browsing and researching the news.

    Jack S
    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘


  14. Rules: Suggest smart filters

    User-submitted idea: "Suggest smart filters that would include commonly used keywords that help to set up bypass rules such as password, order confirmation, registration, billing etc emails." Can you think of any other useful workflows to filter for with pre-defined rule templates? Let me know below!

    Rikki Pitt


  15. Browser extension: Add option to hide email field icon

    Sometimes the Paced Email browser extension icon overlaps icons from other extensions. E.g. LastPass. An option to hide the icon could be a viable fix.

    Rikki Pitt
    #Improvement ๐Ÿ‘
